Wires hanging down no headlights

I had taped the ends of the wires so I could attach them up under the frame and stop further damage without starting a fire. In the morning I figured it would be no big deal to match ripped wires together and reattach…..wrong. The plastic fittings were ripped from the back of the headlighs and gone. What the heck, we don’t need no stinking headlights!!! (said in mexican bandito voice) So I told MoHo Mama, “Daylight driving only babe”. And we were off….. It was an uneventful day of trying to log a bunch of miles. We signed in at an RV park just west of Cheyene Wyoming. It had a little BBQ trailer in the entrance. Guess what we had for dinner?!? Also apple pie. A low key evening and to bed. Next morning, that is this morning btw, Jodee wanted to see Cheyene. so we drove in and parked on the main drag and walked to see the sights. It is a cute town with many old buildings and friendly people. I walked back to the MoHo to put the dogs in and a fellow in county workman’s uniform asks, “is this your camper?”  I thought oh no we weren’t supposed to park on main street. He says, well I am really sorry but I smashed your mirror with mine. OH…is that all?!?!?  He was very nice and bought a new one and installed it!!!   Did I mention the old one was cracked? I didn’t mention it to him.  Back on the road again we went looking for Nebraska, it wasn’t hard to find and that is where we are now. There was a sign proclaiming “FLEA MARKET”  moth to a candle for Jodee so we got off Highway80 in Potter Nebraska. It is a small town. How small is it !??!   The road in the main block of town is paved, the rest is dirt. Cute little place but it couldn’t hold us the highway was calling it’s siren song. Next stop Cabella’s flagship store. It is huge. A diorama at one end of this log lodge that all of Potter would fit into, had close to a hundred taxidermied animals. Then there was the enormous fish tanks with live fishies in them. Very cool place. We came, we saw, we bought.  Cruising on the highway again a couple hours later there is an electonic billboard that tells us to watch for flash floods. Hmmmmmm it is blue skies. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

Published in: on June 16, 2007 at 2:46 am  Comments (5)  

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Anything good at the flea market?

  2. Been checking on your progress. Suprising amount of ACTION so far. Can’t wait to find out what happens next!

    Good luck.

  3. Hey Mohoers! Please tell me y’all ‘re just lookin’ fer the right set a’ horns to zip tie to the front of that baby!

    Keep on truckin! ~M

  4. Hi guys!! I am happy to see we have some viewers. Not much at that flea… No bull horns for front bumper (still looking) Jodee did get a little mirror to add to the rolling head. And yes there has been more action. Details to follow.

  5. OMG – that is an understatement!! There is SOOOOOOOOOOO much more to share…….. Get the popcorn and hunker down – it’s going to be a good one!!

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